Saturday, February 8, 2020

Religion -Ethical and Social Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religion -Ethical and Social Issues - Assignment Example Even though Mrs. Wilkins is in her last life cycle the natural law demands that what is consistent with natural law is morally right during anything that is not is morally wrong. In connection to this, these laws are determined human beings. Human beings have the ability to reason and decide for themselves what is right or wrong. Even though she agreed to take the trial, it was not morally because she was not given enough time to think about the experiment. Kant ethics also states that the only good thing which cannot be quantified is good will. Kant also argues that there is no occasion that we can forfeit a moral behavior in order to have some good object. In connection to these conditions by Kant, the doctors should not push the patients just to have the medicine tested. According to Act Utilitarianism.... â€Å"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By "happiness" is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by "unhappiness" pain, and the privation of pleasure. In this case, Mrs. Wilkins has agreed to take part in the trial because she feels it will help other people overcome the sickness she is having. Rule-utilitarianism suggests that a person’s decision should be based on the overall consequences that the decision will make. Therefore, by Mrs. Wilkins accepting to take part of the trials she is convinced that in the long ran, there are people who will benefit. Kant’s theory concludes that by rational agents agreeing to take part in any activity; they are bound to these activities by their own will. Finally, Kant concludes that while, in pursuit of the kingdom of ends, rational agents should act as if their law established a hypothetical kingdom. Therefore, Kant theory can be used to justify that Mrs. Milkins is a potential candidate for the experiment. Also according to Primer face duties, there is always a primer face

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